Sweet MIDI Player

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Sweet MIDI Player Sweet MIDI Player sadece midi dosyalarini calmakla kalmaz, ayni zamanda midi dosyalarini duzenlemenize de olanak tanir. Turkceindir.org Notu = Sweet MIDI Player programini sabit diskinize indirme yaptiktan sonra sistem guvenligi icin antivirus yazilimlari ile test yapiniz. Sweet MIDI Player is a macOS application that will allow you to play MIDI files as well as to edit them. The Sweet MIDI Player app also provides a simple, mixer-like user interface that will help you easily transpose to music, change tempo, edit the control messages and more. Midi Player & Real-Time Key Detector. This is a good tool to retrieve Key Information from any Midi. Sweet MIDI Player Download. Sweet MIDI Player is a programme not only for playing MIDI files, that little tool can also modify those files. Sweet MIDI Player has an interface in shape of mixer, so we can easily change tempo, mute particula MIDI channels and save our modyfied file on a hard drive.

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Best free midi player

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Windows software by Zoltán Bacskó (Falcosoft) are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

All of the programs are portable and require no installation.

Sony virtual remote control is a total replacement for Sony Remote Keyboard but it runs on Win XP too and implements all the functions that a normal remote control supports. Moreover the Jump (previous channel) button missing on new Sony Remote controllers is also implemented.
The program is tested on Sony 2011 Bravia TV line but perhaps supports other Sony devices that implement IRCC over UPnP (wired or wireless connection and proper network setup required).
The IRCC commands are fully configurable and with the help of the program (right click context menu) you can query your device for supported commands.

You can use the program with your mouse but most of the commands are available on your keyboard too.

For Sony Blue-Ray player owners (e.g. S580,S780):
First you have to start registration mode on your player before starting the Sony Virtual Remote Control program for successful registration!

version 1.3
Redesigned registration scheme to support A/V Receivers that require MAC address to properly register (e.g. Sony STR-DN1040). Added default command set for A/V Receivers.


Sony has completely changed the API in 2013 Bravia models onwards. On 2013 models the IRCC functions such as volume and channel settings still work but text input does not. According to user feedbacks some 2014 models went a step further and even IRCC functions stopped working. Ask Sony why...

64 bit/unicode version. It's less tested but fully functional:

I have made a preconfigured edition that uses a tiny 10MB ogg compressed version of Reality GMGS falcomod soundfont:

If you need a good versatile GM/GS soundfont, here is the original version: Reality_GMGS_falcomod.sf2 (version 1.2)

Sample striving.mid using Reality_GMGS_falcomod.sf2

SoundFont Midi Player is a powerful midi player/router and real time midi synth combo, especially useful for Soundblaster (Live, Audigy, X-fi) users who can load soundfonts automatically and real time. From version 2.0 Bassmidi output mode enables this feature to anyone.

1. Fully configurable Midi in and out ports.
2. Real time program and bank modification on any midi channel.
3. Real Time effects on any midi channel.
4. Mute and solo on any channels.
5. Variable Tempo and Pitch during playback.
6. Virtual Piano (F1-F8 Function keys for octave change)

7. Chord mode for Virtual Piano and Midi input.
8. Send Sysex for Synth (GM, GS, XG, GM2, NX and custom)
9. Midi send and receive over Net.

10. Karaoke midi files support.

11. Bassmidi output mode.
12. Spectrum Analyzer.
13. Module files (mod,xm,s3m,it) playback support via converting.

14. Record to wave, mp3 (or any acm codecs) capability.
15. Real time soundfont loading from playlist.

16. Scale effect settings (transpose notes to different scales).

17. Supports Cakewalk/Sonar instrument definition (.ins) files.

18. Supports Sysex capturing from Midi input.

19. Supports VST effect/visualization and VSTi instrument plugins.

20. Fully supports Windows 9x, XP, 7, 8, 10 moreover Wine.

version 5.8

1. Added 3 different virtual piano octave numbering options to compatibility settings.

2. Added 'Register Global Multimedia Keys' option to compatibility settings.

3. Added Midi system (GM/GS/XG etc.) info to play list's last info column.

4. Added SMPTE timing display instead of irrelevant PPQN value in case of SMPTE based Midi files.

5. Added disable Midi track option to Event viewer/Debugger next to track selection control.

6. Added save hexadecimal string as SysEx option to Select/Send Custom SysEx dialog.

7. Added YES/NO buttons to warning dialog about running multiple hidden instances with /tray option.

8. Fixed division be zero in case of start/stop/clock messages enabled option and lower than 24 PPQN resolution Midi files.

9. Improved auto detection for MS base/extended dual authored Midi files.

10. Other minor fixes and enhancements.

Ati Directshow Encoder is a program/frontend to encode video files with the help of AMD/ATI supplied directshow filters.

In earlier ATI Catalysts there was an option for a very limited video encoding via AVIVO Video converter. Moreover the author of Ati Tray Tools made a utility called ATI XCoder that extended the basic functionality of AVIVO converter.
Unfortunately in the latest 13.x drivers AMD doesn't provide a frontend for its encoding engine and with the new unified driver sets (Catalyst + Video codecs) AMD removed atixcode.dll that was a necessary file for ATI XCoder.

So as far as I know there is no freeware solution at the moment to use the hardware accelerated encoding engine in new ATI drivers.
The good news is GPU accelerated transcoding is working with the new drivers in Windows 7/8. With the help of this utility you can use this feature.

The program works with older drivers too since it only requires the registered atimpenc.dll that is part of the avivo package for a long time.
The program uses the ATI filters only for the encoding process. For decoding the input file you should install the appropriate directshow filters (e.g. ffdshow).

If you can play a file with a directshow player you can transcode it with this program.

version 1.2

Added AVISynth (*.avs) file support.

Added Virtualdub frameserver (*.vdr) support.


Newest 2015 AMD drivers lack the required atimpenc.dll but the file from older drivers can be registered with the help of regsvr32. This way the program can work even with the most recent Windows 10 drivers (without GPU acceleration).

ASF editor is a directstream editor for ASF and WMV files. It can handle audio files (WMA) too.
It uses Asfbin for processing so it can be considered as a frontend for Asfbin.
It uses 2 parts for editing: the player and the recorder. You open files in the player then you mark parts of the media (preferably on key frames) and record the parts with the help of the recorder.
The recorder can join parts from other files that you open in the player during the editing process. At the end you can save your files on the recorder part.
You can get a fullscreen preview by double clicking the video windows. Mouse wheel and right mouse button can be used to rewind/forward and play/stop.

ASFbin command line version can be downloaded free from

ASF Editor is tested with Asfbin 1.6.x ,1.7x and 1.8x up to 1.8.3.

version 1.2

Added Clear option to Log window.
Minor cosmetic changes.

Phenom II Tweaker is a utility for modifying the reported CPUID, instruction set's and CPU name, moreover some settings that is useful for optimizing and testing purposes.

1.Reset TSC
The reported TSC in case of AMD Phenoms is always the Performance state 0 detected at boot time. This can be a potential problem for old programs(e.g. NFS 2000) and performance testing tools (e.g. latency.exe) since modifying the core clock to lower (or higher) frequencies cannot change the reported CPU speed through TSC. If you use for example K10stat for overclock you can use the reset TSC function to force the CPU to report the right Clock speed (ie. the configured p0 state you set in k10stat). Warning! Only use this feature if the operating system is not using TSC as a timer source! (but using PM timer or HPET). You can check this with Timercheck.exe. If QPC freq is equal CPU p0 freq or in case of win7/8 cpu p0 freq/1024 (!) then you must change bios or operating system settings or leave TSC alone!
Early Phenom II-s don't support hardware initiated only SMI initiated C1E power saving features. If C1E is enabled in the Bios this setting results in 8-10 watts lower power consumption. But it has a price. Namely lower USB and PCI performance. So by temporarily switching off C1E before copying files through USB you can improve the speed. Warning! Only use this feature if at program start the program indicates that C1E is ON! (meaning CPU uses SMI initiated C1E).

3. Pstate
Reports the actual performance state. You can change it too but if K10stat or AMD's Cool 'n' Quiet is active then the pstate will be auto-adjusted.
4. Change Cpu name string is to change Cpu name string...

5. Enable/Disable reported specific supported instruction sets.
The Phenoms are already well optimized for SSE instruction execution but some older programs choose the 3dnow! code path if AMD processors detected. This is suboptimal for Phenom's but you can disable legacy code paths by disabling the reported instruction set.
6. Faking CPUID (mimic Intel)
This feature is not a simple one. You can only use this feature if you can boot from a FAT/FAT32 drive to real mode DOS. You can find the necessary files in the vcpuid subfolder.
Put CPUID.XAP in root c: (fat32) then start TEST_CPU.EXE from pure DOS. TEST_CPU.EXE will load the operating system found on C:.
Then the booting process repeats itself and with the help of the program you can mimic intel processors. Even Intel compiler nasty CPU detection can be tricked by this method.

You can download a bootable diskimage to use the Faking CPUID (mimic Intel) function. phenomtwkr_boot.zip

Shutdownwin is a tiny simple tool for timed shutdown, restart or suspend windows.
Moreover it can terminate RAS (DialUp, Broadband) connections too.
You can terminate the countdown any time by double clicking the tray icon on windows tray bar.

version 1.6
The program does not require restart anymore to modify new time and shutdown type settings. You can reach the config dialog by left/right single clicking on the tray icon.
Source files included. You can compile the program with FreePascal, Lazarus or Delphi5+. The program is not dependent on VCL/LCL controls but uses only pure WINAPI calls. Source is not multiplatform but x86/x64 compatible.

version 1.61
Added restoring tray icon in case of explorer restart.

Desktop movie is a simple application to play movie files on your desktop.
The player projects the movie to the background replacing your background image temporarily.
The player is based on directshow meaning every movie you can play with a directshow player can be played with desktop movie too.
At start you can choose your movie and the player starts. A tray icon can be found on the tray bar during the playing process. Here you can load another movie, pause, rewind or forward the video and set the volume level.

Windows 10 compatibility:

version 2.6.2
Improved Windows 10 compatibility.
1. Window shadows are disabled while the player runs.
2. Added 'Refresh Display' option to menu together with a global hotkey (Shift + R). You can use this to clear the desktop if random black borders around used desktop icons starts to be annoying or or when the movie mysteriously disappear. These phenomena are quite random and occur only on Windows 10...

version 2.6.3
1. Modified 'Refresh Display' global hotkey to Ctrl + R since old hotkey (Shift + R) prevented typing capital R in other programs.
2. Fixed double click starting of online streamed video clips from the playlist.
3. Fixed restoring playlist item at startup if last clip was an online streamed video clip.

Roulette simulator is a two-faced application.
First it's a tool to help you playing the martingale betting system in online casinos, second it's a case study against playing it :).

In manual mode you can follow and reconstruct the online game's process by clicking the winning numbers on the virtual roulette table. You can see in the program when and what to play according to martingale bet doubling scenario. You can set the parameters that describe your playing preferences freely. Statistics are available to show you how balanced the given playing room and to help you placing single bets. Statistics can be saved and loaded later so you can monitor a given casino. You can see the actual and maximum repetitions moreover there is a time machine built in allowing you to look past rounds.

In automatic mode a random number generator selects you the winning numbers and the program shows you the long run process of playing 2 strategies based on the martingale betting system. The first is the simple martingale the second is modified by placing constant half the starting bets always on the opposite side of the doubling side. If there is a long sequence of repetitions and you can finish the sequence (you have enough money), then you win half of the starting bet on each run while simple martingale always wins only the starting bet regardless of repetitions. But zero is a double loss for this strategy.

The program shows you many aspects of the game. In the beginning if you are not specially unlucky you will win. But if you cannot stop the more you play the more likely you loose. The consequence is in the long run you cannot beat a fair table! There are unlikely high repetitions accidentally and the net loss will always be higher than wins.

Falcone for windows is a simple windows port of an old DOS game of mine...

Falcone is a memory game that presents you randomly selected sequences of flashing squares and sounds. Your goal is to repeat the given sequence in the right order. If you do it right Falcone will add a new square (and sound of course) to the pattern until you miss or your time is up.

If you got the game from a friend of yours who is really good at it and he's got really good scores that you can't beat and you feel it's all so unfair simply delete the 'hiscores.dat' file.

version 1.1.4
Compatible with Windows 8

Compatible with High DPI settings

is a simple portable application to redirect Wave In to Wave Out.
Any Wave In source and any Wave Out output can be selected. The most evident scenario to use the program is to connect an analog set to line-in (e.g. old walkman). Mute the line-in playing source, and enable the line-in recording source then start the program and choose line-in for input. Then you can use equalizer, noise filter and other effects your sound cards provides on wave out but most likely not on analog line-in. From version 2.0 you can also use VST plugins.
A bonus feature is the change phase processing that helps on old cassettes where the phase is not right. You can only notice this error if you have a subwoofer for bass (the bass is very weak). Classic 2 speaker setups not affected since the left and right channels are separated fully.

version 2.1
1. Added clipping indicator to volume ladder.

2. Added support for native WASAPI audio on Windows Vista/7/8/10. With WASAPI you can achieve lower latency in general and a special bufferless WASAPI mode is also available to achieve even lower latency.

3. Fixed some VST plugin editor window problems.

If for some reason you need the old Sound Redirector 1.3 that uses the pure Win32 Multimedia API (and so does not depend on Bass/DirectSound)
you can still download it: Sound Redirector 1.3

Recording Scheduler for Dscaler is a program which helps you record Television channels in Dscaler.
You can set the start and stop time and the TV channel you want to record. There is the possibility to close Dscaler or the system after the recording process. The program informs the system that the thread is critical so the system won't hibernate or suspend itself while the program is activated.

The program is tested with dscaler 3.x and dscaler 4.x versions.

version 1.1
Corrected a bug not finding program.txt in case of Dscaler 4.x

Fast Resolution Switcher is generally useful in any situation where 2 desktop resolutions are used frequently. But most useful with an Ati card on WinXP where you can use virtual pan and scan desktop, and with 1024x600 native resolution Atom netbooks when 1024x768 required. Fast Resolution Switcher allows you to quickly change your real and virtual desktop resolutions.
Create a shortcut to the exe on your desktop or taskbar and at the target field give the 2 resolutions as command line parameters: e.g. disp_switch.exe 1680x1050 2400x1050. Click on the shortcut to alternate between the 2 resolutions.

Fast Desktop Extender is a handy utility which allows you to switch between normal and extended desktop with a single click.
First you must configure your extended desktop so start the program and set the appropriate parameters of your monitors (width, height, bits per pixel, frequency). You can also set the direction of the extension according to your monitors position on your desk. You can try your settings: check the checkbox to enable Extended desktop and uncheck to disable it. If you are satisfied with your settings make a shortcut on your desktop and in the target field give the ' -load' string as a command line parameter. Now you can enable and disable extended desktop with a single click.

version 1.2
Instead of registry ini file is used to store settings.
Added High DPI aware manifest.

HPQ Nx6325 utility is a program to 'cure' 2 problems with this type of notebook.
1. The first is the maximum supported memory speed is DDR2 666Mhz (333Mhz real clock) however as we know on athlon64 systems the memory support depends on the processor. Sempron, Turion, Turionx2 processors that support DDR2 support DDR2 800Mhz too. The memory speed is determined by applying a divisor on the CPU clock. Up until 1600 Mhz the divisor is 5 but above that is 6. So on 1800 Mhz the real memory speed is only 600Mhz! If you have a 800Mhz memory modul CPU/5 (720 Mhz) would be more ideal. The same is true for 2000Mhz (exactly 800Mhz memory speed).

Warning! Only apply this setting when the cpu is on a lower operating frequency (e.g. the default power saving 800Mhz or a custom set clock up to 1600Mhz). After you apply the setting you can switch to maximum CPU clock.

By the way this tweak is not Nx6325 specific. All the above mentioned processors on any notebook systems can be tweaked by this method.

2. The second is a bug which occurs after the notebook wakes up from standby. The default Texas memory flash reader misteriously becomes a trivial SD card reader and read speed is surprisingly slow. This setting cures this bug.

Memory Filler as the name suggests occupy the given amount of memory from the OS.
When is it useful? Only in special cases: e.g. some vst plugins (sfz) only work when the reported amount of free memory is less than 2048 MB. And of course for other testing purposes inspecting the behaviour of the system with the given amount of memory and for benchmarking memory writes.
Both x86 and x64 versions are available. The x86 version uses 32bit moves and optionally 64bit moves with MOVNTQ while the x64 binary uses 64bit moves and optionally 128bit moves with MOVNTPS.

version 1.1

More optimized memory writing assembly routines. Fixed user interface bug in case of higher than normal(96) windows DPI setting. Fixed bug that enabled activating MOVNTQ memory writes without checking SSE/MMX+ support (only 32bit version affected, x64 capable CPUs all support at least SSE2).

Suspend Tool allows you to suspend your system, if hibernation is enabled hibernate your system or suspend your monitor with only one click.

This program simply shows the old 8.3 format ms-dos name of the selected file and copies the name to the clipboard. It's especially useful for programmers when short dos name of a file required in the windows environment.
Copy the dosname.exe to one of your directories given in the PATH environment variable (e.g. windows or windowssystem32) then double click on the supplied dosname.reg file. On any file or folder the right click context menu will show you the Show Dosname command.

version 1.1

Added full unicode filename/folder support.

In case you can not use a unicode filename in your ANSI only program you can always use the 8.3 DOS name since it only contains ASCII characters.

(NFSW servers are down since 2015-07-14 so this program is obsolete)

NFS World tool is a program for gamers who play NFS World online game.
The program uses EA SpeedAPI to get direct information from EA servers and to build a local database from the online data.
It can be used to get realtime information for any drivers in NFS World or to make statistics from the custom database.
The SQL window allows you to make custom queries freely, save them and load them later.The highlighted table and field names are copied to the clipboard so you can paste them to the sql window. The package contains useful prepared SQL queries for various purposes that can be modified freely.
Start nfsw_tool.exe. There is an example query in the sql window and there are demo data in the database to try it. Open other sql queries to see what they do. If you have finished open !clear_database!.sql and execute it to delete demo data. Now set your desired Driver Names (dedicated button) and import Overall to get your initial database. Later you can check with direct NFSW query the actual online results and import daily data.

The program has to write it's own files in it's own directory so under Vista/Win7 with UAC enabled the program should be placed in a directory where writes are enabled without administrator rights. (e.g. user Document folder but not Program Files!)

Hungarian_leaderboard is based on the code of this program.

version 1.7.7

Added DPI aware manifest to avoid High DPI virtualization on Win7/8.

Fixed 'import from old database' option's buggy DRIVERS table import.

This tiny util shows you the processor speed based on the Time Stamp Counter(TSC) register of your processor.

One day Softpedia listed one of my DOS programs (TSCDOS) under its Windows downloads section. It was not a good idea. On the one hand it does not run under 64 bit, on the other hand even if it runs under 32 bit it's not very precise. So I told them to remove it and that later I would write the same util for Windows. This is how this program was born.

It is written fully in assembly and the source code is included (NASM syntax).

Yet another tiny util written in assembly for win32.
As the name suggests the prgram does the same thing as the Sleep win32 function.
You should use it mainly in batch files in order to pause the execution for the given msec.
Copy the exe to a directory that is given in your path environment variable e.g. windowssystem32.


sleep x msec (e.g. sleep 5000 is 5 sec. pause)

Source code is included (NASM Syntax. You should link the file as a console application.)

Open Metronome Bassmidi version is a fork of Open Metronome
by Mark Billington http://openmetronome.sourceforge.net/

This fork has originally been created for the great MC Musiceditor project by Reinier Maliepaard.

1. Instead of standard midi out ports this version uses Bassmidi so you can choose your favorite soundfont for the drum/percussion sounds. This way the program can be used under Wine.
2. Added High DPI support so the forms and blinkers scale well.
3. Added manifest to support Windows themes.
4. Added uninstall option to remove all registry keys the application uses (so make it somewhat portable) .

5. Added a more useful default custom measure.
6. Minor cosmetic changes on the user interface.

version 1.2

1. Added global volume slider.
2. Added the ability to start/stop metronome remotely
(Soundfont Midi Player from version 3.1 can use this feature).

You can use the compressed version of Reality_GMGS_falcomod included in Soundfont Midi Player Bassmidi + Soundfont Edition. You only need to copy Openmetronome's executable to Midi Player's folder and the program automatically uses the included soundfont.

Licensed under GPLv3 so the package contains the source code.

Opensubtitles search is a small portable search client for www.opensubtitles.org.
It can be used to search and download subtitles directly by movie hash, fulltext search or Imdb id.
You can also monitor on the interface your download count/limit.
Moreover you can customize the search result's appearance/structure freely by modifying the included result.xsl file (if you know basic CSS/XSL).
You can set your login info and language preferences by editing the config.ini file in the application's folder.
The program can be used without login but in this case your download limit is calculated based on your IP address (that can be used by others before).

Bassmidi VSTi is a portable VST 2.4 instrument/software MIDI synthesizer for Windows that is based on the Bass/BassMidi libraries by Un4Seen.
You need some SF2/SFZ soundfont(s) and a VST Host/DAW to use it. In the package both x86 and x64 versions are included for different x86/x64 hosts.
Using x86/x64 host bridges are not recommended.
Bass.dll and Bassmidi.dll have to be copied to the same (VST) directory as BassMidiVsti.dll.
Copying BassMidiVsti.vstxml is optional. It's only included for easier parameter customization.

Bassflac.dll is also optional, it's only needed when FLAC compressed SFZ files are used.
Supported MIDI events/controllers can be found in
BassMidi documentation.

If you need a good versatile GM/GS soundfont, try this.


Fast and lightweight.

Supports 32 bit and emulated 64 bit processing.

Supports up to 5 different stacked soundfonts even on different banks (16384 maximum instruments).

Supports 12 different Reverb/Chorus effect types.

Supports 14 parameters for options that are not (or not easily) Midi controllable.

Can send midiProgramNames to hosts that support it.

version 1.4

1. Added SF2Pack format to supported files in file select dialog. You can also Drag&Drop SF2Pack files to main editor dialog.

2. Added soundfont file info extension to file select dialog. You can see the comments, file and sample size, compression, preset and bank info when you select a soundfont.

Munt VSTi is a portable VST 2.4 instrument/software MIDI synthesizer for Windows that is based on Munt.

It is primarily developed for my Soundfont Midi Player to integrate MT-32 support but apart from this it is a full fledged VSTi plugin.

You need the MT-32/CM-64 Control and PCM ROM images to use it. Unfortunately it is not legally allowed to redistribute these files.

But if you do not have the proper ROM files you can try these images.

In the package both x86 and x64 versions are included for different x86/x64 hosts.

Using x86/x64 host bridges are not recommended.

Mt32emu4v.dll has to be copied to the same (VST) directory as MuntVsti.dll.

Supported MIDI events/controllers can be found in Roland's documentation.

Contrary to normal Munt releases x86 version of MuntVsti works even on Win9x.


Fast and lightweight.

Supports 32 bit and emulated 64 bit VST processing.

Supports 16 bit integer and 32 bit floating point internal rendering of Munt.

Supports native MT-32/CM-64 compatible midi system mode and a special GM mode.

Built-in Dual Synth setup allows you to get full 16 channel GM mode as well a special 16 channel MT-32 mode.

Supports all the different reverb and other emulation options that Munt offers.

Supports 12 parameters for options that are not (or not easily) Midi controllable.

Adjustable maximum partials up to 64 per synth.

Can send midiProgramNames to hosts that support it.

version 2.5

1. In case of x86 version added CPU dispatcher that loads SSE2 optimized emulation library when SS2 is supported. It can speed up floating point rendering mode substantially. The x64 version always use SS2 for floating point rendering.

2. Added multi-threaded dual synth mode option. Enabling this option can even double the performance in case of dual synth GM mode and multi-core CPUs. This option should be disabled in Win9x since multiple cores are not supported and threading overhead actually can decrease performance.

3. Added Nice Partial Mixing option that can help solving attenuated or completely missing notes problems in case of GM midis that do not expect the weird LA-32 behavior of counter-phase mixing. By default this option is disabled in MT-32 mode and enabled in GM mode but you can force enable/disable it manually.

4. For the sake of coherency the Reverse Stereo option now also has 3 states and behaves the same. Namely by default it's enabled in GM mode but disabled in MT-32 mode, but both ON and OFF states can be forced.

Sweet Midi Player For Windows

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